Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Steering System

Power Source Circuit
DESCRIPTION This circuit supplies power source voltage from the battery to terminal B of the steering lock ECU (steering lock actuator assembly). This is used as power source for the CPU, motor, ...

PRECAUTION 1. IGNITION SWITCH EXPRESSIONS HINT: The type of ignition switch used on this model differs according to the specifications of the vehicle. The expressions listed in the table below ar ...

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Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart
DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART HINT: If a trouble code is stored during the DTC check, inspect the trouble areas listed for that code. For details of the code, refer to the "See page" below. 1. CERTIFICATION ECU (SMART KEY ECU ASSEMBLY) DIAGNOSTI ...

REMOVAL PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE ENGINE ASSEMBLY WITH TRANSAXLE (for 2GR-FE) HINT: Refer to the procedure up to Remove Engine Assembly with Transaxle (See page ). 2. REMOVE ENGINE ASSEMBLY WITH TRANSAXLE (for 1AR-FE) HINT: Refer to the procedure up to Remo ...

REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL GENERATOR ROTOR ASSEMBLY (a) Place the drive end frame on the clutch pulley. (b) Install the generator rotor assembly to the drive end frame. 2. INSTALL GENERATOR CL ...

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