Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Terminals Of Ecu



(a) Disconnect the 2A, 2C and 2F main body ECU (driver side junction block assembly) connectors.

(b) Measure the voltage and resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Measure the values on the wire harness side with the connector disconnected.

Symbols (Terminal No.)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

2A-1 (ACC) - Body ground

B - Body ground

Ignition power supply (ACC signal)

Ignition switch ACC → off

10 to 14 V → Below 1 V

2A-1 (IG) - Body ground

B - Body ground

Ignition power supply (IG signal)

Ignition switch ON → off

10 to 14 V → Below 1 V

2C-24 (BECU) - Body ground

L - Body ground

+B power supply


10 to 14 V

2C-30 (ALTB) - Body ground

BR - Body ground

+B (power system alternator system) power supply


10 to 14 V

D51-5 (KSW) - Body ground

L - Body ground

Unlock warning switch input

No key in ignition key cylinder (OFF) → Key inserted (ON)

10 kΩ or higher → Below 1 Ω

2F-16 (GND1) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 Ω

If the result is not as specified, there may be a malfunction on the wire harness side.

(c) Reconnect the 2A, 2C and 2F main body ECU (driver side junction block assembly) connectors.

(d) Measure the voltage according to the value(s) in the table below.

Symbols (Terminal No.)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

D50-24 (DCTY) - Body ground

V - Body ground

Driver side door courtesy light switch input

Driver side door CLOSED (OFF) → OPEN (ON)

Pulse generation → Below 1 V

D49-21 (PCTY) - Body ground

V - Body ground

Passenger side courtesy light switch input

Passenger side door CLOSED (OFF) → OPEN (ON)

Pulse generation → Below 1 V

D49-7 (RCTY) - Body ground

GR - Body ground

Rear courtesy light switch RH input

Rear door RH CLOSED (OFF) → OPEN (ON)

Pulse generation → Below 1 V

2O-19 (LCTY) - Body ground

R - Body ground

Rear courtesy light switch LH input

Rear door LH CLOSED (OFF) → OPEN (ON)

Pulse generation → Below 1 V

D49-25 (BCTY) - Body ground

GR - Body ground

Back door courtesy light switch input

Back door CLOSED (OFF) → OPEN (ON)

Pulse generation → Below 1 V

D48-4 (HAZ) - Body ground

G - Body ground

Turn signal flasher relay signal

Any transmitter switch pressed → not pressed

Below 1 V → 10 to 14 V

2C-25 (HORN) - Body ground

R - Body ground

Vehicle horn signal

Vehicle horn is sounding (Panic alarm system is in alarm sounding state)

Below 1 V ← → 12 V

D51-7 (BZR) - Body ground

LG - Body ground

Wireless door lock buzzer signal

Wireless door lock buzzer OFF → ON

Below 1 V → Pulse generation

If the result is not as specified, the main body ECU (driver side junction block assembly) may have a malfunction.

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