Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: System Diagram


PRECAUTION 1. Check that the battery cables are connected to the correct terminals. 2. Disconnect the battery cables when the battery is given a quick charge. 3. Do not perform tests with a high vo ...

Problem Symptoms Table
PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE Use the table below to help determine the cause of problem symptoms. If multiple suspected areas are listed, the potential causes of the symptoms are listed in o ...

Other materials about Toyota Venza:

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL REAR POWER POINT SOCKET COVER (a) Engage the 2 claws to install the rear power point socket cover. 2. INSTALL REAR POWER POINT SOCKET ASSEMBLY (a) Engag ...

On-vehicle Inspection
ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT FOR COOLANT LEAK HINT: The sliding surface inside the engine water pump assembly is lubricated by engine coolant. As some engine coolant is discharged during normal operation, engine coolant residu ...

Vehicle Speed or Engine Speed Signal Malfunction (C2173/73)
DESCRIPTION The tire pressure warning ECU receives a vehicle speed signal from the combination meter and an engine speed signal from the ECM. The tire pressure warning ECU uses these signals to detect DTCs C2121/21 to C2124/24 (No Signal from Transmitter) ...

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