Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Data List / Active Test




Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any parts. This non-intrusive inspection can be very useful because intermittent conditions or signals may be discovered before parts or wiring is disturbed. Reading the Data List information early in troubleshooting is one way to save diagnostic time.


In the table below, the values listed under "Normal Condition" are reference values. Do not depend solely on these reference values when deciding whether a part is faulty or not.

(a) Warm up the engine.

(b) Turn the ignition switch off.

(c) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(d) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(e) Turn the Techstream on.

(f) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Data List.

(g) According to the display on the Techstream, read the Data List.

Tester Display

Measurement Item/Range

Normal Condition

Diagnostic Note

Vehicle Speed

Vehicle speed/

Min.: 0 km/h (0 mph), Max.: 255 km/h (158 mph)

Actual vehicle speed

The speed indicated on the speedometer.

Engine Speed

Engine speed/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 16383 rpm

600 to 700 rpm: Idling


Calculate Load

Load calculated by ECM/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

10 to 40%: Idling

10 to 40%: Running without load (2500 rpm)


Vehicle Load

Vehicle load/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 25700%

Actual vehicle load



Air flow rate from mass air flow meter/

Min.: 0 gm/s, Max.: 655.35 gm/s

1 to 3 gm/s: Idling

8.5 to 12.5 gm/s: Running without load at 3000 rpm

If the value is approximately 0.0 gm/s:

  • The mass air flow meter power source circuit is open.
  • VG circuit is open or shorted.

If 271.0 gm/s or more:

  • The E2G circuit is open.

Atmosphere Pressure

Atmospheric pressure/

Min.: 0 kPa (0 mmHg), Max.: 255 kPa (1912 mmHg)

Equivalent to atmospheric pressure (absolute pressure)


Coolant Temp

Engine coolant temperature/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 140°C (284°F)

75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F): After warming up

If the value is -40°C (-40°F), the sensor circuit is open.

If the value is higher than 135°C (275°F), the sensor circuit is shorted.

Intake Air

Intake air temperature/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 140°C (284°F)

Equivalent to ambient air temperature

If the value is -40°C (-40°F), the sensor circuit is open.

If the value is higher than 128°C (262°F), the sensor circuit is shorted.

Engine Run Time

Engine run time/

Min.: 0 s, Max.: 65535 s

Time after engine start


Initial Engine Coolant Temp

Initial engine coolant temperature/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 119.3°C (247°F)

Close to ambient air temperature


Initial Intake Air Temp

Initial intake air temperature/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 119.3°C (247°F)

Close to ambient air temperature


Battery Voltage

Battery voltage/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 65.535 V

11 to 14 V: Idling


Glow Indicator Supported

Glow indicator supported/

Supported or Unsupported



Glow Indicator

Glow indicator/




Accelerator Position

Accelerator pedal position/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%

Actual accelerator pedal position


Accel Sens. No. 1 Volt %

Absolute accelerator pedal position No. 1/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

10 to 22%: Accelerator pedal fully released

52 to 90%: Accelerator pedal fully depressed


Accel Sens. No. 2 Volt %

Absolute accelerator pedal position No. 2/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

24 to 40%: Accelerator pedal fully released

68 to 95%: Accelerator pedal fully depressed


Accel Sensor Out No. 1

Accelerator pedal position sensor No. 1 voltage/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.98 V

0.5 to 1.1 V: Accelerator pedal fully released

2.6 to 4.5 V: Accelerator pedal fully depressed


Accel Sensor Out No. 2

Accelerator pedal position sensor No. 2 voltage/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.98 V

1.2 to 2.0 V: Accelerator pedal fully released

3.4 to 4.75 V: Accelerator pedal fully depressed


Accelerator Idle Position

Whether or not accelerator pedal position sensor detecting idle/


ON: Idling


Accel Fully Close Learn #1

Accelerator fully closed learned value No. 1/

Min.: 0 deg, Max.: 124.5 deg


Electronic throttle control system service data

Accel Fully Close Learn #2

Accelerator fully closed learned value No. 2/

Min.: 0 deg, Max.: 124.5 deg


Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Sensor Volt %

Throttle valve opening percentage according to throttle position sensor/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

  • 10 to 22%: Accelerator pedal fully released
  • 64 to 96%: Accelerator pedal fully depressed

Value calculated based on the voltage at terminal VTA1

Throttl Sensor #2 Volt %

Throttle valve opening percentage according to throttle position sensor No. 2/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

  • 42 to 62%: Accelerator pedal fully released
  • 92 to 100%: Accelerator pedal fully depressed

Value calculated based on the voltage at terminal VTA2


Brake pedal signal/


OFF: Brake pedal fully released


System Guard

System guard/



Electronic throttle control system service data

Open Side Malfunction

Open side malfunction/



Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Idle Position

Whether or not throttle position sensor detecting idle/


  • ON: Accelerator pedal fully released
  • OFF: Accelerator pedal depressed


Throttle Require Position

Throttle requirement position/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.98 V

0.5 to 1.1 V: Idling


Throttle Sensor Position*1

Absolute throttle position sensor/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

  • 0%: Accelerator pedal released
  • 50 to 80%: Accelerator pedal fully depressed

Recognition value for throttle opening angle on ECM

Throttle Position No. 1

Throttle position No. 1/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.98 V

  • 0.5 to 1.1 V: Accelerator pedal fully released
  • 3.2 to 4.8 V: Accelerator pedal fully depressed
  • 0.6 to 1.4 V: Fail-safe operating


Throttle Position No. 2

Throttle position No. 2/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.98 V

  • 2.1 to 3.1 V: Accelerator pedal fully released
  • 4.6 to 4.98 V: Accelerator pedal fully depressed
  • 2.1 to 3.1 V: Fail-safe operating


Throttle Position Command

Throttle position command value/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.980 V

0.5 to 4.8 V


Throttle Sens Open Pos #1

Throttle position sensor No. 1/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.980 V

0.6 to 1.4 V

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Sens Open Pos #2

Throttle position sensor No. 2/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.980 V

1.7 to 2.5 V

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Motor Current

Throttle actuator current/

Min.: 0 A, Max.: 19.9 A

0 to 3.0 A: Idling

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Motor DUTY

Throttle actuator/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

10 to 22%: Idling after engine warmed up

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Motor Duty (Open)

Throttle actuator duty ratio (open)/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 255%

0 to 40%: Idling

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Motor Duty (Close)

Throttle actuator duty ratio (close)/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 255%

0 to 40%: Idling

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Fully Close Learn

Throttle valve fully closed (learned value)/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.98 V

0.4 to 1.0 V: Accelerator pedal released


+BM Voltage

+BM voltage/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 79.998 V

11 to 14 V: Ignition switch ON and system normal


Actuator Power Supply

Actuator power supply/


ON: Idling

Electronic throttle control system service data

Throttle Position

Throttle valve opening angle/

Min.: 0 deg, Max.: 499.99 deg



ISC Flow

Flow rate calculated using information from mass air flow meter sub-assembly/

Min.: 0 L/s, Max.: 79.99 L/s


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

ISC Position

Requested throttle opening amount calculated using ISC control/

Min.: 0 deg, Max.: 499.99 deg


This is the throttle valve opening amount while the engine is idling (the throttle valve opening amount necessary to maintain ISC air flow).

ISC Feedback Value

ISC feedback amount/

Min.: -40 L/s, Max.: 39.99 L/s


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

ISC Learning Value

ISC learned airflow value/

Min.: -40 L/s, Max.: 39.99 L/s


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Electric Load Feedback Val

Compensation flow rate according to electrical load/

Min.: -40 L/s, Max.: 39.99 L/s


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Air Conditioner FB Val

Compensation flow rate according to air conditioner load/

Min.: -40 L/s, Max.: 39.99 L/s


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Low Revolution Control

Low engine speed control operation state/



When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

N Range Status

Shift lever N status/



When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Eng Stall Control FB Flow

Intake air compensation flow rate/

Min.: -40 L/s, Max.: 39.99 L/s


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Deposit Loss Flow

Flow loss due to deposits/

Min.: -40 L/s, Max.: 39.99 L/s


  • This value indicates the amount of compensation for a decrease in flow passage area due to the buildup of deposits on the throttle valve.
  • Check this value for reference when the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly.
  • When the ISC learned value is initialized, performing the following procedures in order to quickly relearn the Deposit Loss Flow value. After the Deposit Loss Flow has been relearned, gradual fine adjustments will continue automatically.
    • Start the engine cold and allow the engine to idle.
    • After the engine is warmed up (engine coolant temperature is above 80°C [176°F]), allow the engine to idle for an additional 5 minutes.
    • Turn the ignition switch off and wait for 30 seconds.
    • Start the engine again, and allow the engine to idle for 5 minutes.

Injector (Port)

Injection period of the No. 1 cylinder/

Min.: 0 μs, Max.: 65535 μs

1000 to 3000 μs: Idling


Injection Volum (Cylinder 1)

Injection volume (cylinder 1)/

Min.: 0 ml, Max.: 2.047 ml

0.05 to 0.15 ml: Idling

The quantity of fuel injection volume for 10 times

Fuel Pump/Speed Status

Fuel pump/speed status/




Vacuum Pump

Key-off EVAP system pump status/




TCV Status

Tumble control valve status/


ON: Cold engine start


Current Fuel Type

Current fuel type



EVAP (Purge) VSV

Purge VSV control duty/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 100%

0 to 50%: Idling, under purge control

The order signal from the ECM

Evap Purge Flow

Purge flow/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%

0 to 10%: Idling


Purge Density Learn Value

Learned value of purge density/

Min.: -200, Max.: 199.993

-40 to 0: Idling


Vapor Pressure Pump

Vapor pressure/

Min.: 0 kPa (0 mmHg), Max.: 1441.77 kPa (10814.71 mmHg)

Approximately 100 kPa(abs) [750 mmHg(abs)]: Ignition switch ON

The EVAP system pressure is monitored by the canister pressure sensor.

Vapor Pressure (Calculated)

Calculated EVAP system pressure/

Min.: -720.896 kPa (-5407.441 mmHg), Max.: 720.874 kPa (5407.276 mmHg)

Approximately 100 kPa(abs) [750 mmHg(abs)]: Ignition switch ON


EVAP System Vent Valve

Key-off EVAP system vent valve status/





VSV status for EVAP control/




Purge Cut VSV Duty

Purge cut VSV duty/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%



Target Air-Fuel Ratio

Air fuel ratio/

Min.: 0, Max.: 1.999

0.8 to 1.2: During idling


AF Lambda B1S1

Short-term fuel trim (for bank 1 sensor 1)/

Min.: 0, Max.: 1.99

  • Value less than 1 (0.000 to 0.999) = Rich
  • 1 = Stoichiometric air fuel ratio
  • Value more than 1 (1.001 to 1.999) = Lean


AFS Voltage B1S1

Air fuel ratio sensor output voltage (for bank 1 sensor 1)/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 7.99 V

2.6 to 3.8 V: Idling

Performing the Control the Injection Volume or Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor function of the Active Test enables the technician to check the output voltage of the sensor.

AFS Current B1S1

Air fuel ratio sensor current (for bank 1 sensor 1)/

Min.: -128 mA, Max.: 127.99 mA

-0.5 to 0.5 mA: Idling

Performing the Control the Injection Volume or Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor function of the Active Test enables the technician to check the output voltage of the sensor.

A/F Heater Duty #1

A/F heater duty ratio

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%

0 to 100%


O2S B1S2

Heated oxygen sensor output voltage (for bank 1 sensor 2)/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 1.275 V

0.0 to 0.9 V:

Vehicle driven at 70 km/h (43 mph)

Performing the Control the Injection Volume or Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor function of the Active Test enables the technician to check the output voltage of the sensor.

O2S Impedance B1S2

Sub heated oxygen sensor impedance (for bank 1 sensor 2)/

Min.: 0 ohm, Max.: 21247.67 ohm

5 to 15000 ohm

After driving for approx. 10 min. in an urban area.

O2 Heater B1S2

Heated oxygen sensor heater/

Not Act or Active



O2 Heater Curr Val B1S2

Heated oxygen sensor current (for bank 1 sensor 2)/

Min.: 0 A, Max.: 4.999 A



Short FT #1

Short-term fuel trim of bank 1/

Min.: -100%, Max.: 99.2%

-15 to 15%

This item refers to the short-term fuel compensation used to maintain the air fuel ratio at the stoichiometric level.

Long FT #1

Long-term fuel trim of bank 1/

Min.: -100%, Max.: 99.2%

-15 to 15%

This item refers to the overall fuel compensation carried out in the long-term to compensate a continual deviation of the short-term fuel trim from the central value.

A/F Learn Value Idle #1

Air fuel ratio learn value of idle area for bank 1/

Min.: -50%, Max.: 49.6%


Learning is performed when idle with the engine warmed up (coolant temperature is 80°C (176°F) or higher).

A/F Learn Value Low #1

Air fuel ratio learn value of low load area for bank 1/

Min.: -50%, Max.: 49.6%


Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (coolant temperature is 80°C (176°F) or higher) and operating in the low load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value Mid1 #1

Air fuel ratio learn value of middle1 load area for bank 1/

Min.: -50%, Max.: 49.6%


Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (coolant temperature is 80°C (176°F) or higher) and operating in the mid-size load range closer to the low load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value Mid2 #1

Air fuel ratio learn value of middle2 load area for bank 1/

Min.: -50%, Max.: 49.6%


Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (coolant temperature is 80°C (176°F) or higher) and operating in the mid-size load range closer to the high load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value High #1

Air fuel ratio learn value of high load area for bank 1/

Min.: -50%, Max.: 49.6%


Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (coolant temperature is 80°C (176°F) or higher) and operating in the high load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

Total FT #1

Total fuel trim of bank 1

Average value for fuel trim system of bank 1/

Min.: -0.5, Max.: 0.496

-0.28 to 0.2: Idling


Fuel System Status #1

Fuel system status (bank 1)/

OL, CL, OLDrive, OLFault, CLFault or Unused

CL: Idling after warming up

  • OL (Open Loop): Has not yet satisfied the conditions to go to closed loop.
  • CL (Closed Loop): Using the air fuel ratio sensor as feedback for fuel control.
  • OLDrive: Open loop due to driving conditions (fuel enrichment).
  • OLFault: Open loop due to a detected system fault.
  • CLFault: Closed loop but the air fuel ratio sensor, which is used for fuel control, is malfunctioning.

Fuel System Status #2

Fuel system status (bank 2)/

OL, CL, OLDrive, OLFault, CLFault or Unused



IGN Advance

Ignition timing advance for No. 1 cylinder/

Min.: -64 deg., Max.: 63.5 deg.

5 to 15 deg.: Idling


Knock Feedback Value

Feedback value of knocking/

Min.: -1024 deg(CA), Max.: 1023.9 deg(CA)

-20 to 0 deg(CA):

Vehicle driven at 70 km/h (43 mph)


Knock Correct Learn Value

Correction learned value of knocking/

Min.: -1024 deg(CA), Max.: 1023.9 deg(CA)

0 to 20 deg(CA):

Vehicle driven at 70 km/h (43 mph)


Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #1

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 1 cylinder)/

Min.: 0 deg(CA), Max.: 15.93 deg(CA)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #2

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 2 cylinder)/

Min.: 0 deg(CA), Max.: 15.93 deg(CA)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #3

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 3 cylinder)/

Min.: 0 deg(CA), Max.: 15.93 deg(CA)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #4

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 4 cylinder)/

Min.: 0 deg(CA), Max.: 15.93 deg(CA)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly


VSV status for ACIS control/




IAC Sensor Voltage

Intake air control valve position sensor output voltage/

Min.: 0 V, Max.: 4.999 V


If value is 0.2 V or less

  • IAC1 circuit shorted
  • VCIA circuit open

If value is 4.8 V or higher

  • VCIA and IAC1 circuit shorted
  • IAC1 circuit open
  • EIA1 circuit open

Intake Air Control Position

Intake air control valve position/

Min.: -250 deg, Max.: 249 deg



VVT Control Status #1

Variable valve timing (VVT) control status (bank 1)/




VVT Advance Fail

VVT control failure status/




VVT Aim Angle #1*2

VVT aim angle (bank 1)/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%


VVT duty signal value during forced operation

VVT Change Angle #1*2

VVT change angle (bank 1)/

Min.: 0 DegFR, Max.: 639.9 DegFR


Displacement angle during forced operation

VVT OCV Duty #1*2

VVT camshaft timing oil control valve operation duty (bank 1)/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%


Requested duty value for forced operation

VVT Ex Hold Lrn Val #1*2

VVT exhaust hold duty ratio learned value (bank 1)/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%



VVT Ex Chg Angle #1*2

VVT exhaust change angle (for bank 1)/

Min.: 0 DegFR, Max.: 639.9 DegFR


Displacement angle during forced operation

VVT Ex OCV Duty #1*2

VVT exhaust camshaft timing oil control valve duty (for bank 1)/

Min.: 0%, Max.: 399.9%


Requested duty value for forced operation

VN Turbo type

Variable Nozzle (VN) turbo type/

Not Avl or Commo or Vacuum or CAN Com

Not Avl


Catalyst Temp B1S1

Catalyst temperature (for bank 1 sensor 1)/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 6513.5°C (11756.3°F)



Catalyst Temp B1S2

Catalyst temperature (for bank 1 sensor 2)/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 6513.5°C (11756.3°F)



Starter Signal

Starter signal/


ON: Starter signal ON

OFF: Starter signal OFF


Power Steering Signal

Power steering signal/


ON: Power steering operation


Neutral Position SW Signal

Park/neutral position switch status/


ON: Shift lever in P or N


Stop Light Switch

Stop light switch/


ON: Brake pedal depressed


A/C Signal

A/C switch status/




Idle Up Signal

Idle up signal/




Closed Throttle Position SW

Closed throttle position switch/


  • ON: Throttle valve fully closed
  • OFF: Throttle valve open


Fuel Cut Condition

Fuel cut condition/


ON: Fuel cut operating


Immobiliser Communication

Immobiliser communication/


ON: Normal


Check Mode

Check mode/


ON: Check mode ON

Refer to Check Mode Procedure (See page ).

SPD Test Result

Check mode result for vehicle speed sensor/

Compl or Incmpl



Misfire Test Result

Check mode result for misfire monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



OXS1 Test Result

Check mode result for heated oxygen sensor (bank 1 sensor 1)/

Compl or Incmpl



A/F Test Results #1

Check mode result for air fuel ratio sensor/

Compl or Incmpl



Complete Parts Monitor

Comprehensive component monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



Fuel System Monitor

Fuel system monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



Misfire Monitor

Misfire monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



EGR/VVT Monitor

EGR/VVT monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



EGR/VVT Monitor

EGR/VVT monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor

O2S (A/FS) heater monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor

O2S (A/FS) heater monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



O2S(A/FS) Monitor

O2S (A/FS) monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



O2S(A/FS) Monitor

O2S (A/FS) monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



A/C Monitor

A/C monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



A/C Monitor

A/C monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



2nd Air Monitor

2nd air monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



2nd Air Monitor

2nd air monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



EVAP Monitor

EVAP monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



EVAP Monitor

EVAP monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Heated Catalyst Monitor

Heated catalyst monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



Heated Catalyst Monitor

Heated catalyst monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Catalyst Monitor

Catalyst monitor/

Not Avl or Avail



Catalyst Monitor

Catalyst monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Component Monitor ENA

Comprehensive component monitor/

Unable or Enable



Component Monitor CMPL

Comprehensive component monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Fuel System Monitor ENA

Fuel system monitor/

Unable or Enable



Fuel System Monitor CMPL

Fuel system monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Misfire Monitor ENA

Misfire monitor/

Unable or Enable



Misfire Monitor CMPL

Misfire monitor/

Compl or Incmpl




EGR/VVT monitor/

Unable or Enable




EGR/VVT monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Heater Monitor ENA

O2S (A/FS) heater monitor/

Unable or Enable



Heater Monitor CMPL

O2S (A/FS) heater monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



O2S(A/FS) Monitor ENA

O2S (A/FS) monitor/

Unable or Enable



O2S(A/FS) Monitor CMPL

O2S (A/FS) monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



A/C Monitor ENA

A/C monitor/

Unable or Enable



A/C Monitor CMPL

A/C monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



2nd Air Monitor ENA

2nd air monitor/

Unable or Enable



2nd Air Monitor CMPL

2nd air monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



EVAP Monitor ENA

EVAP monitor/

Unable or Enable




EVAP monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Heated Cat Monitor ENA

Heated catalyst monitor/

Unable or Enable



Heated Cat Monitor CMPL

Heated catalyst monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



Catalyst Monitor ENA

Catalyst monitor/

Unable or Enable



Catalyst Monitor CMPL

Catalyst monitor/

Compl or Incmpl



TC Terminal

TC terminal status/




# Codes(Include History)

Number of codes/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255


The number of stored DTCs


MIL status/


ON: MIL on


MIL ON Run Distance

MIL on run distance/

Min.: 0 Km, Max.: 65535 Km

Distance after DTC stored


Running Time from MIL ON

Running time from MIL on/

Min.: 0 min, Max.: 65535 min

Equivalent to running time after MIL on


Time after DTC Cleared

Time after DTC cleared/

Min.: 0 min, Max.: 65535 min

Equivalent to time after DTCs cleared


Distance from DTC Cleared

Distance after DTC cleared/

Min.: 0 km, Max.: 65535 km

Equivalent to driven distance after DTCs cleared


Warmup Cycle Cleared DTC

Warm-up cycle after DTC cleared/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255


The number of warm-up cycles after the DTC is cleared

Dist Batt Cable Disconnect

Distance after battery cable disconnected/

Min.: 0 Km, Max.: 65535 Km

Total distance vehicle driven after battery cable disconnected


IG OFF Elapsed Time

Time after ignition switch off/

Min.: 0 min, Max.: 655350 min

Cumulative time after ignition switch off


OBD Requirements

OBD requirement

OBD II (California ARB)


Number of Emission DTC

Emission-related DTCs/

Min.: 0, Max.: 127


The number of emission-related DTCs

TC and TE1

TC and TE1 terminals of DLC3/




Ignition Trig. Count

Ignition counter/

Min.: 0, Max.: 65535

0 to 400


Cylinder #1 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder 1/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255



Cylinder #2 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder 2/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255



Cylinder #3 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder 3/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255



Cylinder #4 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder 4/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255



All Cylinders Misfire Count

All cylinders misfire counter/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255

0 to 135


Misfire RPM

Engine speed for first misfire range/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 6375 rpm

0 rpm: Misfire 0


Misfire Load

Engine load for first misfire range/

Min.: 0 g/rev, Max.: 3.98 g/rev

0 g/rev: Misfire 0


Misfire Margin

Misfire monitoring/

Min.: -128%, Max.: 127%

0 to 127%: Idling

The misfire detecting margin

Catalyst OT MF F/C

Fuel cut to prevent catalyst from overheating during misfire/

Not Avl or Avail

Avail: "Fuel cut to prevent catalyst from overheating during misfire" available

Not Avl: "Fuel cut to prevent catalyst from overheating during misfire" not available


Cat OT MF F/C History

History of fuel cut to prevent catalyst from overheating during misfire/


ON: Fuel cut operation history exists


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder #1

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 1 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)/


ON: Fuel cut operating


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder #2

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 2 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)/


ON: Fuel cut operating


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder #3

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 3 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)/


ON: Fuel cut operating


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder #4

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 4 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)/


ON: Fuel cut operating


Engine Speed (Starter Off)

Engine speed when starter off/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Starter Count

Number of times starter turned on after ignition switch turned to ON/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Run Dist of Previous Trip

Distance driven during previous trip/

Min.: 0 km (0 mile), Max.: 655.35 km (407.23 mile)


Before 5 seconds elapse after starting the engine, which is DTC P1604 (Startability Malfunction) detection duration, this parameter indicates the distance driven during the previous trip.

After 5 seconds elapse after starting the engine, this parameter indicates the distance driven during the current trip calculated from the vehicle speed signal.


Run Dist of Previous Trip in freeze frame data which were present when the startability malfunction occurred (DTC P1604 detected) indicates the distance driven during the previous trip, but in all other cases, such as for the snapshot data of Data List (real-time measurements), or for freeze frame data which were present when the DTCs other than P1604 were detected, the value indicates the distance driven during the current trip.

Engine Starting Time

Time elapsed before engine starts (after starter turns on until engine speed reaches 400 rpm)/

Min.: 0 ms, Max.: 655350 ms


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Previous Trip Coolant Temp

Engine coolant temperature during previous trip/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Previous Trip Intake Temp

Intake air temperature during previous trip/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Engine Oil Temperature

Engine oil temperature (estimated temperature)/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Previous Trip Eng Oil Temp

Engine oil temperature during previous trip/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Ambient Temp for A/C

Ambient temperature for A/C/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Previous Trip Ambient Temp

Ambient temperature during previous trip/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Engine Start Hesitation

History of hesitation during engine start/



When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Low Rev for Eng Start

History of low engine speed after engine start/



When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Minimum Engine Speed

Minimum engine speed/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


When the engine stalls, is difficult to start, or idles roughly

Fuel Cut Elps Time

Elapsed time since fuel cut due to high engine speed/

Min.: 0 sec, Max.: 68746 sec


The time elapsed after a fuel cut after high engine speed has occurred (More than the engine speed at which fuel cut occurs + 500 rpm)

Tumble C.V Duty Ratio

Intake air control valve duty ratio/

Min.: -128%, Max.: 127%



Electric Fan Motor

Electric fan motor status/




Brake Override System

Brake override system status/


ON: Brake override system operating


Electric Cooling Fan High

Electric cooling fan high speed status/




Electric Cooling Fan Low

Electric cooling fan low speed status/




Idle Fuel Cut

Fuel cut idle/


ON: Fuel cut operating

Idle Fuel Cut is "ON" when the throttle valve is fully closed and the engine speed is more than 2800 rpm.


Fuel cut TAU: Fuel cut during very light load/


ON: Fuel cut operating

The fuel cut being performed under a very light load to prevent incomplete engine combustion.

Immobiliser Fuel Cut

Status of immobiliser fuel cut/




Immobiliser Fuel Cut History

Status of the immobiliser fuel cut history/




Communication with ECT

Status of the communication with the ECT/

Comm or No Comm



Comm with Power Manage

Status of the communication with the power management control ECU/

Comm or No Comm



Comm with Air Conditioner

Status of the communication with the air conditioning amplifier assembly/

Comm or No Comm



Electrical Load Signal 1

Electrical load signal/




Electrical Load Signal 2

Electrical load signal/




Electrical Load Signal 3

Electrical load signal/




Model Code

Model code


The identifying model code:


Engine Type

Engine type


The identifying engine type:


Cylinder Number

Number of cylinders/

Min.: 0, Max.: 255


The identifying number of cylinders:


Transmission Type

Transmission type


The identifying transmission type:

ECT 6th




The identifying destination:

A (America)

Model Year

Model year/

Min.: 1900, Max.: 2155


The identifying model year:


System Identification

System identification


The identifying engine system:

Gasoline (gasoline engine)

Engine Speed of Cyl #1

Engine speed for cylinder 1/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


Output only when Check the Cylinder Compression is performed using the Active Test.

51199 rpm: Active Test not performed

Engine Speed of Cyl #2

Engine speed for cylinder 2/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


Output only when Check the Cylinder Compression is performed using the Active Test.

51199 rpm: Active Test not performed

Engine Speed of Cyl #3

Engine speed for cylinder 3/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


Output only when Check the Cylinder Compression is performed using the Active Test.

51199 rpm: Active Test not performed

Engine Speed of Cyl #4

Engine speed for cylinder 4/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


Output only when Check the Cylinder Compression is performed using the Active Test.

51199 rpm: Active Test not performed

Av Engine Speed of All Cyl

Engine speed for all cylinders/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 51199 rpm


Output only when Check the Cylinder Compression is performed using the Active Test.

51199 rpm: Active Test not performed

A/F Sensor Determination (worst value) #1

Worst judgment value of air fuel ratio sensor output for bank 1:

Min.: -1, Max.: 0.99



Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #1

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (cylinder 1)/

Min.: 0, Max.: 2.55



Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #2

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (cylinder 2)/

Min.: 0, Max.: 2.55



Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #3

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (cylinder 3)/

Min.: 0, Max.: 2.55



Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #4

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (cylinder 4)/

Min.: 0, Max.: 2.55



Received MIL from ECT

Received MIL from ECT/


MIL illuminate instruction ON signal from ECT: ON


Shift Position Sig from ECT

Received shift position signal from ECT

Actual shift position


A/T Oil Temp from ECT

Received ATF temperature sensor value from ECT/

Min.: -40°C (-40°F), Max.: 215°C (419°F)

  • After stall test:

    Approx. 80°C (176°F)

  • Equal to ambient temperature when cold soak

If the value is -40°C (-40°F) or 215°C (419°F), ATF temperature sensor circuit is open or shorted


Input turbine speed/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 12750 rpm

0 rpm Vehicle stopped:



Output shaft speed/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 12750 rpm

  • Lock-up on (after warming up the engine):

    Value from speed sensor NT equal to engine speed

  • Lock-up off (idling with shift lever in N):

    Value from speed sensor NT nearly equal to engine speed


ECT Lock up

Lock up/


ON: Lock up operating



Counter gear speed/

Min.: 0 rpm, Max.: 12750 rpm



Overdrive Cut Switch #1

Status of the Overdrive Cut Switch:




Shift SW Status (P Range)

Park/neutral position switch assembly status/


  • ON: Shift lever in P
  • OFF: Shift lever not in P

When shift lever position displayed on the Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect

Shift SW Status (R Range)

Park/neutral position switch assembly status/


  • ON: Shift lever in R
  • OFF: Shift lever not in R

When shift lever position displayed on the Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect

Shift SW Status (N Range)

Park/neutral position switch assembly status/


  • ON: Shift lever in N
  • OFF: Shift lever not in N

When shift lever position displayed on the Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect

Shift SW Status (N, P Range) Supported

Status of park/neutral position switch assembly (N or P) supported/

Supp or Unsupp



Shift SW Status (N, P Range)

Park/neutral position switch assembly status (P or N)/


  • ON: Shift lever not in P or N
  • OFF: Shift lever in P or N


Sports Shift Up SW

Sport shift up switch status/


  • ON: Continuously shift to "+" (up-shift)
  • OFF: "+" (up-shift) released


Sports Shift Down SW

Sport shift down switch status/


  • ON: Continuously shift to "-" (down-shift)
  • OFF: "-" (down-shift) released


Sports Mode Selection SW

Sport mode select switch status/


  • ON: Shift lever in S, "+" or "-"
  • OFF: Shift lever not in S, "+" and "-"


Shift SW Status (D Range)

Park/neutral position switch assembly status/


  • ON: Shift lever in D or S
  • OFF: Shift lever not in D or S

When shift lever position displayed on the Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect


  • *1: Excluding throttle valve opening percentage due to idle speed control.
  • *2: Data List values are only displayed when performing the following Active Test: Control the VVT System (Bank 1), Control the VVT Linear (Bank 1), Control the VVT Exhaust Linear (Bank 1). For other Active Test, the Data List value will be 0.



Using the Techstream to perform Active Tests allows relays, VSVs, actuators and other items to be operated without removing any parts. This non-intrusive functional inspection can be very useful because intermittent operation may be discovered before parts or wiring is disturbed. Performing Active Tests early in troubleshooting is one way to save diagnostic time. Data List information can be displayed while performing Active Tests.

(a) Warm up the engine.

(b) Turn the ignition switch off.

(c) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(d) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(e) Turn the Techstream on.

(f) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Active Test.

(g) According to the display on the Techstream, perform the Active Test.

Tester Display

Test Part

Control Range

Diagnostic Note

Control the Injection Volume

Change injection volume

Between -12.5 and 24.8%

  • All the injectors are tested at the same time.
  • Perform the test at less than 3000 rpm.
  • The injection volume can be changed in fine graduations within the control range.

Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor

Change injection volume


  • Perform the test at less than 3000 rpm.
  • Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor enables the checking and graphing of the air fuel ratio sensor and heated oxygen sensor voltage outputs.
  • To conduct the test, enter the following menus: Active Test / Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor / Data List / AFS Voltage B1S1 and O2S B1S2.

Activate the VSV for Intake Control

Activate VSV for intake control


  • ON: Acoustic Control Induction System (ACIS) VSV is on.
  • OFF: ACIS VSV is off.

Activate the VSV for Evap Control

Activate purge VSV control


  • ON: Purge VSV on.
  • OFF: Purge VSV off.

Control the Fuel Pump / Speed

Activate fuel pump (C/OPN relay)


The test is possible when the following conditions are met:

  • The ignition switch is ON.
  • The engine is stopped.

Connect the TC and TE1

Turn on and off TC and CG (TE1) connection


  • ON: TC and TE1 are connected.
  • OFF: TC and TE1 are disconnected.

Control the Idle Fuel Cut Prohibit

Prohibit idling fuel cut control


The idling fuel-cut is turned ON when the throttle valve is fully closed and the engine speed is more than 2800 rpm.

Prohibit the Catalyst OT Misfire prevent F/C

Prohibit catalyst overheat malfunction prevention fuel cut operation during misfire


ON: Fuel cut prohibited

Confirm that the vehicle is stopped and the engine speed is 3000 rpm or less.

Control the Electric Cooling Fan

Control electric cooling fan motor



Control the ETCS Open/Close Slow Speed

Throttle actuator


The test is possible when the following conditions are met:

  • The ignition switch is ON.
  • The engine is stopped.
  • The accelerator pedal is fully depressed (Accelerator pedal position: 58 degrees or more).

Control the ETCS Open/Close Fast Speed

Throttle actuator


Control the VVT Linear (Bank1)

Control camshaft timing oil control valve assembly (Bank1)

Between -128 and 127%

  • The engine stalls or idles roughly when the camshaft timing oil control valve assembly is operated at 100%.
  • The test is possible during idle.
  • DTCs related to the VVT system may be stored due to Active Test operation, but this does not indicate a malfunction.

Control the VVT System (Bank1)

Control camshaft timing oil control valve assembly (Bank1)


  • The engine stalls or idles roughly when the camshaft timing oil control valve assembly is turned on.
  • The engine is running and idles normally when the camshaft timing oil control valve assembly is off.
  • The test is possible during idle.
  • DTCs related to the VVT system may be stored due to Active Test operation, but this does not indicate a malfunction.

Control the VVT Exhaust Linear (Bank 1)

Control camshaft timing oil control valve assembly for exhaust camshaft (bank 1)

Between -128 and 127%

  • The engine stalls or idles roughly when the camshaft timing oil control valve assembly is operated at 100%.
  • The test is possible during idle.
  • DTCs related to the VVT system may be stored due to Active Test operation, but this does not indicate a malfunction.

Activate the Vacuum Pump

Leak detection pump



Activate the VSV for Vent Valve

Vent valve



Control the IAC Duty Ratio

Control intake air control valve (tumble control valve) duty ratio

Between -100 and 100%


Control the Select Cylinder Fuel Cut

Select cylinder (cylinder #1 to #4) injection fuel cut



Test possible while vehicle stopped and engine idling*1

Control the All Cylinder Fuel Cut

All cylinder fuel cut


Test possible while vehicle stopped and engine idling*1

Check the Cylinder Compression *2

Check the cylinder compression pressure

(measuring engine speed for each cylinder)


Fuel injection and ignition stopped in all the cylinders.


  • If the display of the Data List item Catalyst OT MF F/C item is Not Avl, perform this Active Test with the vehicle stopped and the engine idling.
  • If the display of the Data List item Catalyst OT MF F/C item is Avail, perform this Active Test as described below.
    1. Stop the engine, turn the ignition switch to ON.
    2. Enter the Control the Select Cylinder Fuel Cut.
    3. Select the cylinder for fuel cut (cylinder #1 to #4) and turn the Active Test ON (press the RIGHT or LEFT button).
    4. Start the engine.


*2: When cranking the engine, each cylinder measures the engine speed.

In this Active Test, the fuel and ignition of all cylinders is cut. The engine must then be cranked for approximately 10 seconds. At this time, the speed of each cylinder is measured. If the speed of one cylinder is more than the other cylinders, it can be determined that the compression pressure of that cylinder is lower than the other cylinders.

  1. Warm up the engine.
  2. Turn the ignition switch off.
  3. Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
  4. Turn the ignition switch to ON.
  5. Turn the Techstream on.
  6. Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Active Test / Check the Cylinder Compression.


    To display the entire Data List, press the pull down menu button next to Primary. Then select Compression.

  7. Push the snapshot button to turn the snapshot function on.


    Using the snapshot function, data can be recorded during the Active Test.

  8. While the engine is not running, press the RIGHT or LEFT button to change Check the Cylinder Compression to ON.


    After performing the above procedure, Check the Cylinder Compression will start. Fuel injection for all cylinders is prohibited and each cylinder engine speed measurement enters standby mode.

  9. Crank the engine for about 10 seconds.


    Continue to crank the engine until the values change from the default value (51199 rpm).

  10. Monitor the engine speed (Engine Speed of Cyl #1 to #4) displayed on the Techstream.


    At first, the Techstream displays extremely high cylinder engine speed values. After approximately 10 seconds of engine cranking, each cylinder engine speed measurement will change to the actual engine speed.


    • Do not crank the engine continuously for 20 seconds or more.
    • If it is necessary to crank the engine again after Check the Cylinder Compression has been changed to ON and the engine has been cranked once, press Exit to return to the Active Test menu screen. Then change Check the Cylinder Compression to ON and crank the engine.
    • Use a fully-charged battery.
  11. Stop cranking the engine, and then change "Check the Cylinder Compression" to OFF after the engine stops.


    If the Active Test is changed to OFF while the engine is being cranked, the engine will start.

  12. Push the snapshot button to turn the snapshot function off.
  13. Select "Stored Data" on the Techstream screen, select the recorded data and display the data as a graph.


    If the data is not displayed as a graph, the change of the values cannot be observed.

  14. Check the change in engine speed values.


    As the data values of the Active Test return to their default values when cranking is stopped, the engine speed value of each cylinder cannot be observed. Therefore, it is necessary to use the data recorded with the snapshot function to check the engine speed values recorded during cranking.



Performing a System Check in the Utility menu enables the system, which consists of multiple actuators, to be operated without removing any parts. In addition, it can show whether or not any DTCs are stored, and can detect potential malfunctions in the system.

(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the Techstream on.

(d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Utility.

(e) Perform the System Check by referring to the table below.

Tester Display

Test Part

Control Range

Diagnostic Note

Evaporative System Check

(Automatic Mode)

Perform 6 steps in order to operate EVAP key-off monitor automatically

35°C (95°F) or less

  • If no pending DTCs are detected after performing this test, system functioning normally
  • Refer to EVAP System (See page )

Evaporative System Check

(Manual Mode)

Perform 6 steps in order to operate EVAP key-off monitor manually

35°C (95°F) or less

  • Used to detect malfunctioning parts
  • Refer to EVAP System (See page )

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