Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart



If a trouble code is stored during the DTC check, inspect the trouble areas listed for that code. For details of the code, refer to the "See page" below.

Certification ECU (Smart Key ECU Assembly)

DTC Code

Detection Item

Trouble Area

See page


Open in Driver Side Electrical Antenna Circuit

1. Front door outside handle assembly (for driver side)

2. Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

3. Wire harness or connector


Open in Front Passenger Side Electrical Antenna Circuit

1. Front door outside handle assembly (for front passenger side)

2. Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

3. Wire harness or connector


Open in Front Floor Electrical Key Oscillator Circuit

1. Indoor electrical key oscillator (for front floor)

2. Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

3. Wire harness or connector


Open in Rear Floor Electrical Key Oscillator Circuit

1. Indoor electrical key oscillator (for center floor)

2. Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

3. Wire harness or connector


Open in Inside Luggage Compartment Electrical Key Oscillator Circuit

1. Indoor electrical key oscillator (for rear floor)

2. Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

3. Wire harness or connector


Open in Outside Luggage Compartment Electrical Key Antenna Circuit

1. Outside electrical key oscillator (for rear side)

2. Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

3. Wire harness or connector

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DESCRIPTION The certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) generates a request signal and sends it to the outside electrical key oscillator (for rear side). To detect the key near the driver door ...

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