Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Components



PRECAUTION HINT: Any digits beyond the 0.01 mm (1/1000 in.) place for standard, minimum and maximum values should be used as a reference only. When both standard and maximum or minim ...

DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE INTAKE VALVE (a) Using SST and wooden blocks, compress the compression spring and remove the valve spring retainer locks. SST: 09202-70020 09202 ...

Other materials about Toyota Venza:

On-vehicle Inspection
ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT FOR COOLANT LEAK HINT: The sliding surface inside the engine water pump assembly is lubricated by engine coolant. As some engine coolant is discharged during normal operation, engine coolant residu ...

Check CAN Bus Lines for Short Circuit
DESCRIPTION There may be a short circuit in the CAN bus main wire and/or CAN branch wire when the resistance between terminals 6 (CANH) and 14 (CANL) of the DLC3 is below 54 Ω. Symptom Trouble Area Resistance betwe ...

Follow the correction procedures. (smart key system)
After taking the specified steps to correct the suspected problem, check that the warning light turns off.  - If the malfunction indicator lamp comes on while driving First check the following: • Is the fuel empty? If it is, fill the fuel tan ...

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