Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Entry Lock And Unlock Switch

Diagnosis Circuit
DESCRIPTION This circuit is used to read the DTCs that are output from the transponder key ECU assembly with the Techstream. WIRING DIAGRAM CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: If the transponder ...


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Trip information
Display items can be switched by pressing the “INFO-CLOCK” button.  - Average fuel consumption (AVERAGE ECON) Displays the average fuel consumption since the function was reset. • The function can be reset by pressing and holding the “RESET ...

Road Test
ROAD TEST 1. PROBLEM SYMPTOM CONFIRMATION (a) Based on the result of the customer problem analysis, try to reproduce the symptoms. If the problem is that the transaxle does not shift up, shift down, or the shift point is too high or too low, conduct the ...

Door Unlock Detection Switch Circuit
DESCRIPTION The main body ECU (driver side junction block assembly) detects the condition of the door unlock detection switch. WIRING DIAGRAM PROCEDURE 1. READ VALUE USING TECHSTREAM (a) Connect the Techstream to the DL ...

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